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Clubs News


Global solidarity requested by Skål International São Paulo

Skål International
May 2020 — 17136 views COVID-19


Skål International Kenya helps during COVID-19 pandemic

Skål International
May 2020 — 17942 views COVID-19


Skål International Mexico Clubs help during COVID-19 pandemic

Skål International
May 2020 — 17667 views Corporate Social Responsibility


Skål International Mexico celebrated the World Skål Day

Skål International
May 2020 — 16126 views World Skål Day


Skål International USA announces program to help hospitality workers

Skål International
May 2020 — 16290 views COVID-19


Skål International Bahrain donates food boxes during Ramadan to needy families

Skål International
May 2020 — 16583 views Corporate Social Responsibility


Skål International Goa initiatives to offer help to people in need

Skål International
May 2020 — 17433 views COVID-19 Corporate Social Responsibility


Bangkok & Asia prepares for recovery

Skål International
May 2020 — 16271 views COVID-19


Skål International Club of Bali donates 1 Ton of rice

Skål International
May 2020 — 16256 views COVID-19 Corporate Social Responsibility


The Future of Thailand’s Sustainable Tourism

Skål International
May 2020 — 17191 views Sustainable Tourism


Gowns for the Hospitals

Skål International
May 2020 — 18643 views COVID-19 Corporate Social Responsibility


Skål International Riviera Maya first virtual Club Luncheon

Skål International
April 2020 — 16103 views COVID-19


Hobart City of Peace and Peace Park inducted by IIPT and Skål International Hobart

April 2020 — 18323 views Corporate Social Responsibility


World Skål Day: Skål International Port Harcourt donates palliatives to Home for the Elderly

Skål International
April 2020 — 17387 views World Skål Day COVID-19 Corporate Social Responsibility


Skål International Mexico #StayHome Campaign during COVID-19 pandemic

Skål International
April 2020 — 17216 views COVID-19 Corporate Social Responsibility


First Young Skål USA Virtual Happy Hour

Skål International
April 2020 — 15318 views


Skål International Goa activities to help during COVID-19 pandemic

Skål International
April 2020 — 15447 views


India First, Moving Ahead

Skål International
April 2020 — 16255 views COVID-19


Hospitality class at Pittsburgh Technical College

Skål International
April 2020 — 16208 views COVID-19


Skål International Philadelphia hosted a COVID-19 Town Hall

Skål International
April 2020 — 16161 views COVID-19